Tuesday 22 November 2011

We need to act now

Beautiful friends,
We write this to you today with a real sense of urgency… As you probably know, in Somalia almost 3.7 million people are now in crisis!
The Red Cross has said that 1 in 10 children in parts of Somalia are at risk of starving to death!
12 million people across East Africa are in need of humanitarian assistance. The famine in Somalia is the first famine to happen this century, and It is likely that tens of thousands men, women and children have already died from the severity of this drought. This is the 21st century, how are letting this happen? The innocent men, women and children of this country were not designed to have a life of poverty, famine and distress but a life of hope and freedom from such injustice. These precious children of God deserve better.
Hundreds of thousands of Somalis who have no home and no idea of when their next meal are fleeing to neighboring countries in search of food. Refugee camps around East Africa are four times over capacity.
So, What can we do to help this situation?
Immediate assistance in food distribution, water, hygiene and sanitation, emergency health and protection are needed to ease the devastating effects of this crisis. The International Red Cross have set up a donation page on their website. Every little bit can help these people survive this crisis and we feel that as the ministry of HOPE is all about helping other people everywhere, that we MUST do all we can do TODAY. Please donate today.
If we are not able to intervene immediately, tens of thousands more Somalis may die.
Thank you for your generosity and hearts of compassion…
Love, Darlene Zschech 
Photo  - Kevin Carter

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